Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Woman wins lawsuit against cold-footed groom to be---Explain how this is just

I'm a little flabbergasted by this verdict.

This is a woman, perfectly capable of making her own money, and doing so, successfully suing her fiance when he ended the engagement.

Back in the day, when women were economically dependent on husbands and family, this type of lawsuit was understandable. Sometimes it was the only viable option for a woman who had no choice but to bank on a good marriage prospect for her livelihood.

But now?!


Who will marry this woman now?

I can see the eHarmony headline: "Marry me or I'll sue your ass."

There's a winner.

This guy will win on appeal. I'll bet good money on it.

1 comment:

aleks martin said...

Of course, that's a ridiculous verdict, but it's absolutely not unprecedented. A ruling like this continues to infantalize and subjugate women. I mean, what poor, defenseless creatures they are, that can't even make their own way in this harsh world?

I stand mixed on the issue jurisprudentially, but morally it is a non-issue. A simple promise is legalistically perhaps a contract, but even if she showed some real consideration in regards to it I see no reason for the state to bloat itself in enforcing something that is patently unenforceable, even in a roundabout way; i.e., via damages.

However, the importance of individuals to freely contract is paramount, so it's not completely cut and dry.

But really, should the man throw himself into a volcanic pit for disgracing his name so? They're both putzim, so what?

Much more interesting is the recent ruling by the French haut cours that annulled a marriage between two Muslims because the bride claimed she was a virgin and it proved to be untrue. Far beyond a divorce, the marriage was essentially considered fraudulent. I am troubled by the values behind it, but I can not legalistically say it was wrong or even inconsistent. This is especially true as France attempts to appease its increasingly unassimilated North Africa and Turkish plurality. I met a great many more African and Turkish Frenchmen of Muslim faith in Chateauroux or Paris than I did Gallic nationalists that I wonder why socialism leads to less integration? The answers are clear and market determined, but the results are absolutely stupefying, especially being from the US.

Just sayin'.