Tuesday, January 27, 2009

GOP still using the tax cut snake oil.

This op-ed sums up my general feeling about the GOP.

John Boehner, in a stunning display of switcheroo, came on television and said the bailout is borrowing from our children and grandchildren.


This is the same thing Democrats have said about Bush's policies for years--policies Boehner happily supported when it helped his wealthy constituents.

The GOP touts tax cuts as the solution to everything. In days of yore, Snake Oil salesmen claimed their remedies would take care of everything too.

The problem with tax cuts is that people actually need taxable income in order to benefit from tax cuts.

The U.S. is shedding jobs so fast that the revenue stream from taxes is drying up faster than any tax cut would offset as a benefit.

The GOP needs to new religion other than tax cuts. It hasn't worked and it won't work while Americans have no jobs to make income.

Tax cuts haven't spurred economic growth. So where does that leave us?

Stimulus. But this time, the stimulus should be spent at the lower end of the economic spectrum rather than at the top where the wealthy get their share first.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You need to be writing for Newsweek or you magazine/newspaper of choice. Your mother suggested I check out your blog. I have one too at twirlandtaste.com if you get bored. Hope to see you soon. Our friend Doug is seriously looking at running for governor. He will want you involved.