Thursday, June 12, 2008

1st Amendment protects ALL speech...and with good reason.

This article shows how the U.S. differs from the rest of the industrialized world. In some things we are behind the curve, like health care.

In others, we set the standard.

Thomas Jefferson said that the most fundamental right is the right to free speech. Without the right to say what one wishes, no other right could exist.

I agree.

We may find utterly distasteful the words of some. However, to suppress hate speech because it offends our sensibilities is to drive it underground and fuel it.

I believe strongly in sunshine. The First Amendment is the best sunshine for hate speech. Get it out so we know who believes it, then we can deal directly with the issue. It's difficult to hide hate when the haters are encouraged to speak their hate in public.

Suppress speech, and we live in paranoia and ignorance. Both are a festering pathology.

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