Friday, May 23, 2008

Hagee actually worse than McCain's repudiation would suggest

I apologize for being dilatory in blogging. I've been out of town and otherwise engaged.

However, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to write about McCain's endorsement by Reverend Hagee.

Slate has a story on it. The article talks about the "Hitler" issue of Hagee and says it's really not the worst thing in his dogma. In fact, Hagee advocates a similar view as that professed in the Left Behind series.

I know a rather prominent preacher who advocates a similar theology to Hagee's. He bragged to me about Ariel Sharon actually praying with him and supporting his "Christian" theology while the former Prime Minister was in office.

I said nothing, but thought in the back of my mind that Sharon, ever the politician, was sucking up to a small time rug wearing evangelical preacher from Tennessee in an effort to curry favor with the great unwashed masses in America.

Just my thoughts on such a hair-brained belief system. As has happened in times past, bunches of hate mail will be forthcoming for writing as much.

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