Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Florida ready to legislate in favor of stupidity

It seems politicians are at it again in the Sunshine State.

The South Florida Sun-Sentinel offers up a story that even the Miami Herald won't touch.

Right wing conservatives in need of re-election have pulled out the old Creationism trebuchet to hurl missiles of doubt about the faith of their foes. (A little much...maybe?)

The Florida legislature has passed a bill requiring that evolution be subjected to critical evaluation. That's right. Let's subject a well-founded and supported theory to critical analysis, as if it hasn't already run the gauntlet.

While we're advocating running notions through critical evaluations, lets put every religious dogma on the chopping block too.

What this goes to prove is that politicians are more interested in fanning false notions than in actually doing their jobs.

Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin are rolling in their graves.

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