Monday, August 11, 2008

Putin is a danger to the world--Bush could have warned us after he looked into his soul.

Robert Kagan provides a glimpse into the purpose and intentions behind Russia's attack on Georgia.

I think this has been a long time coming.

Putin has managed to jail, kill, or exile all the Energy barons of Russia, nationalizing its vast energy resources for himself.

Putin is consolidating his power with oil and natural gas because the West is too dependent, so we will tow Putin's line.

The West has stepped into a pile of Russian intrigue.

We cannot afford to sit back and let Putin and his mobster-like crew put us in an energy strangle-hold. Alternative energy is one step.

Next, we must act fast to counter Putin's shenanigans. This may raise the specter of open hostilities, but I suspect China and India would get on board. China won't like a jingoistic and imperialistic Russia knocking around. India likes its prosperity too much to sacrifice it now.

I don't like war, but we must address it now.

Unfortunately, we are weakened by our preemptive war in Iraq. We have a weakened economy from the war and bad economic policy here.

We also have no discernible energy policy aside from one that subjects us to Russia's growing energy hegemony.

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