Saturday, May 10, 2008

Cindy McCain is a liberal when her rights are at stake.

Cindy McCain has finally come around to the dark side. She's arguing her right to privacy when it comes to her finances.

This argument has traditionally been the province of "left-wing radicals" trying to avoid government scrutiny.

Many republicans over the years have taken the free market approach to privacy, viz., that you are only entitled to the privacy you can afford.

The problem with that argument is that the poor are thus given fewer rights under the law. It doesn't make sense, but unfortunately the Supreme court takes the same position.

For example: If you live in a mobile home (like many poor people do) then you have fewer rights under the 4th Amendment Search & Seizure law than if you lived in a stick-built house.

The police, by virtue of the fact the the mobile home is mobile, are not bound by the same warrant requirements. It doesn't matter that the actual mobility of a mobile home is limited to an expensive and time-consuming process, unlike with a motorhome.

Back to Cindy: Now the republicans may be getting on board with the belief that privacy is actually a right, instead of something that must be bought.


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