Don't you hate it when you speak with someone who has an utterly asinine and stupid view on a topic?
In America, we are constantly regaled with the notion that every opinion has merit. We are taught that every opinion has weight. We are taught that every opinion deserves equal time and consideration.
As a child, I had no argument against the forgoing. Deep down I instinctively knew something was wrong with what we were taught.
One day, I came across Harlan Ellison. He's a science fiction writer and generally a crank, but full of worthwhile insights and pithy remarks.
He was giving some opinion on opinions (oh, how ironic...) and he pointed out that contrary to what we, as Americans, had been taught about our opinions, that we were not in fact entitled to them.
His point was thus: "You are not entitled to your opinion. You are only entitled to your informed opinion."
Stunning elegance. Dramatic statement of the truth.
I throw this little nugget out when faced with the fall back epithet people use when they've lost an argument, "I'm entitled to my opinion."
No, you're not.
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