With the election of Scott Brown to fill Ted Kennedy's seat in Massachusetts, it appears as if the health Care Bill is dead in its tracks. Kudos to the Republicans for getting back in the game, but shame on them for ignoring the plight of real Americans to help their real constituencies, viz. Big Insurance, Big Hospitals, and Big Pharma.
You can't support policies that help fat cats and also claim to be working for the little guy. It's hypocrisy at its finest. Making it worse in my book is all the idiots who are little guys that believe the propaganda and not the results.
Health Care Reform
Health Reform was the driving issue for my vote during the Presidential Election. Obama promised to use his political capital (All of it I might add...) to get Health Reform passed.
The failure of the Senate and the House to pass meaningful Health Reform falls squarely at Obama's feet. Instead of leading the battle for this historic legislation, Obama chose to play it cool and stand back while the Legislature did what it does best: Screw up.
I saw this coming, but was hopeful that surely the Democrats wouldn't mess up something so vital to not only the nation's financial health, but also their political future over the venal scumbaggery so evident in the Republican Party.
But, alas it was not to be. With the likes of Ben Nelson holding up passage to get some special favors and other Democrats too worried about their political careers to concern themselves with the literal health of our nation, we got nothing but a lot of drama culminating in a loss of Ted Kennedy's seat.
Obama played it too cool on this issue and he "cooled" himself right out of success.
As a lifelong Democrat I am ashamed of my party. I'm a Democrat because I can't bring myself to support a party that advocates policies for the wealthy and powerful at the expense of everyday folks. When you fight the well-financed and hypocritical forces of the right, you can't play fair because they won't--they're on a mission from God.
I said it before Obama was elected and I repeat it: You must fight assholes with assholes. If your aim is to protect the nation's working people and powerless, you must fight fire with fire. Politics is not the place for playing Jesus and turning the other cheek.