Monday, February 2, 2009

Illegal drugs only responsible for 10% of drug-related fatalities.

Here's yet another reason why the so-called War on Drugs is irresponsible and wrong-headed.

To hear the press and law enforcement talk about it, you'd think illegal drugs are killing vast numbers of our youth.

But you'd be wrong. That's merely the propaganda.

The reality: Over 90% of drug related fatalities are caused by alcohol.

Alcohol is a legal drug.

This begs the question: Should we spend the money we currently allocate to fighting what is essentially a War on Americans when the greatest threat to our youth is from readily available and legal substances?

Can we, as a nation afford such a boondoggle? Even if it sends to wrong message?


It's time for fiscal discipline in law enforcement. Who came up with the notion that law enforcement is outside budgetary constraints?

ALL publicly-funded entities must be measured by the same economic benchmarks or else we've lost our economic sanity.

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