Friday, January 23, 2009

New entry into the electric car frenzy--Shelby.

Here's another entry into the electric car free for all that's on the horizon.

If the specs hold up (in regards to the charging time and range), this could be the next evolution of vehicles.

Bragging by electric car companies is at a fever pitch, but none of them have truly delivered.

I suspect what we're hearing is entrepreneur-speak--ignoring the obstacles, costs, and problems in favor of the promise.

We'll see.

If we could just get an electric car that has at least a 200 mile range, can be charged in less than 45 minutes, that costs less than $30,000, and that can reach 80 miles an hour, then we'll be in the game.

Much of the shift to electric cars depends on energy storage and fast-charging capabilities. Without those two variables nailed down, electric cars will remain out of reach for the buying public.

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