The tough economic times we find ourselves in demand some needed change from Washington.
We need a return to the New Deal. We need a New New Deal.
I've said this before in months past, but it bears repeating:
We need infrastructure spending.
By beginning new public works, the government will create jobs.
We need new jobs to replace the ones lost since 2003.
These new jobs will prime the economic pump and get consumption flowing.
I've never understood how it helps the economy to give more money to people that have plenty. They don't go out and spend it like someone who lives paycheck to paycheck does. In fact, the wealthy just squirrel it away, keeping it out of the economy.
When people are put to work, they spend. When people spend, more jobs are created to service their demands.
It's a win-win.
1 comment:
You know, this is a really good idea. Seriously.
There are plenty of people out there who cant even get a job at a MCDONALDS. They never hear a good enough reason why.
If someone were to put this plan into action, then I could see more jobs being created, which would mean people wouldnt have to have some kind of experience (or lack of) to work somewhere.
I always hear "Your not qualified enough" or "We're currently not looking for anyone" and then I turn around, and someone else who has never worked a day in their life gets hired, or they come over from another store and suddenly theres interest.
And I think that sucks, and I think that your idea rocks because not only can more people work, but its like you said, people that work will spend money, which means everyone getting out of this sticky situation.
Good blog today.
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