Thursday, June 19, 2008

McCain looking hypocritical on the G.I. Bill. Someone please call him out.

I have been puzzled by John McCain's opposition to the new G.I. Bill.

John McCain postures himself a military man and a friend of soldiers everywhere. He did serve our country and no one will deny him the honors he deserves for that, but why is he opposed to Jim Webb's bill?

This is a little cynical, but I think McCain is being true to his conservative bosses. In fact, I came across an editorial from the Minneapolis Star Tribune that pretty much sums it up.

I think that deep down, those who gain the advantages of society fall into two camps: 1) Those that feel threatened when others try to reach for the same heights they've achieved. 2) Those that want to help others achieve the heights they've reached.

Which camp does McCain fall into? Like all conservatives, he falls into the former camp. He's afraid that improving the lives of our soldiers through educational benefits might actually harm his constituency. God forbid we have a level playing field.

I read the Bill and there is nothing unusual about it.

McCain's argument falls flat on its face when you look at its logic: Less benefits equals higher retention.


If I remember my high school economics, people gravitate to where the benefits are, not away from them.

Just my two cents.

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