Saturday, May 10, 2008

Vegetarians often misunderstood has a very good article on vegetarianism.

I've been a vegetarian now for longer than I ate meat (21 years and counting).

The author of the article is a vegetarian and makes many of the same points I find myself making when questioned ad nausea about WHY I'm a vegetarian.

Most carnivores think I'm some screwy religious nut (I'm not) or that I am a raging liberal (I'm not that either).

I especially agree with the author's take on restaurants. Most restaurants think that having a pasta dish suffices to allow them to claim a vegetarian dish. News flash! No, it doesn't.

A real chef, and I mean this in the most insulting way possible, has the breadth and ability to satisfy ALL palates appropriately.

I love food, but have difficulty getting good food in restaurants. Even vegetarian restaurants suck.

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