Bush has stepped over the line with his Holocaust comparison.
I remember accusing the Bush administration of being like Nazis a number of years ago, but I was accused of "going over the line" then. So, if I was over the line, then Bush is over the line.
Here are the facts though: Bush has pushed hard for a blending of corporations and government function via outsourcing those government functions to private companies.
This folks is by definition Corporativism. Using corporations to perform government functions by blending the two into one.
If you check your history, Corporativism became the dominant ideology in Fascist Italy under Mussolini.
So again, I ask you, "Who's the real Nazi?"
Look at history, look at the constituents who support Bush and his kind, look at the results of the Bush presidency.
If you do, then you'll find that Bush is exhibiting the classic defense mechanism called: Projection.
Projection is where you accuse others of the actions you, yourself, are guilty of.
I suppose Bush has so few positive accomplishments that he can do nothing more than level horrific comparisons against those who will make him look bad by comparison when they clean up his mess.
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